Welcome Home!

Professional organizing and de-cluttering services are a phone call away. I’m Shelby Austin and I’m here to listen, provide resources and point you in the direction of living an organized life. I can help you get started with organizing, help with a room or two or work with you through a whole house de-cluttering project.

When you to walk through your door do you want to turn around and go back out again?
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you have a family member that could use my help and you don’t know how to talk to them about your concerns.

We can work together on site, via phone or video chat. No matter if you are just living life, downsizing, aging in place or getting market ready for a home sale, let me help you navigate your way to the end goal!

Thank you so much for the Clutter Seminar series that you graciously lead for fellow travelers that struggle with too many things. The resources you provided are very helpful and our marriage has been positively impacted as a result of the understandings we achieved.

Mario and Elaine
Easton, MD


Capitol Heights, MD

Fort Washington, MD

Thank you so much for helping me to transform my library/office into my new “Zen Den”. I was overwhelmed. Your gentle but firm manner helped me let go of things I didn’t want, didn’t need and in some cases didn’t know I had.

Thank you Shelby! I couldn’t have done it without you. I’m now free to do the things I enjoy instead of feeling burdened and guilty about the condition of my home.